
Hakhu Projects






Antimining Camp

Hakhu Projects

Mining’s Impact on Our Communities:

The Ecuadorian Amazon has emerged as a battleground in the fight against rapidly accelerating mining activity. In Napo, Ecuador, gold miners progressively contaminate water and food sources with mercury mining byproducts, directly affecting Indigenous and local communities who depend on these natural resources. 1,400+ active socio-environmental conflicts across the Americas stem from mineral exploitation, sowing pollution, displacing local economies and populations, and resulting in violence and assassinations in our communities. In Serena and across the Americas, mining activity threatens to end ecosystems and ways of life.

Mining’s Impact on Our Communities:

Our Anti-mining Camp: Amplifying Climate Narratives

In October of 2023, Hakhu in partnership with the Black Indigenous Liberation Movement (BILM) and Doc Society will hold an Anti-mining Camp in the Ecuadorian Amazon to mobilize and amplify community resources and voices against extractivism. ​In our role as a connector of grassroots organizations across the Americas, we are organizing an Anti-Mining Camp in the Kichwa community of Serena in Napo, Ecuador, in October, with a focus on three levers:

  • Developing a Grassroots Anti-mining Strategy to stand up a collaborative, united front of community organizers across the Americas who share best practices, intelligence and resources
  • Hosting a Climate Story Lab, in partnership with Doc Society, to strengthen storytelling and reporting by and from communities at the forefront of the climate change struggle
  • Organizing Symbolic Actions and Media Field Visits to support historic Indigenous movements in October and to bring national and international attention to the active, illicit resource grab in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Our Anti-mining Camp: Amplifying Climate Narratives
Mining’s Impact on Our Communities:
Our Anti-mining Camp: Amplifying Climate Narratives

Our activities

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